The Importance of Regular Maintenance for Your HVAC System in Alberta

Regular maintenance of your home heating and cooling system can save you money on your utility bills and in costly repairs.

Regular maintenance like changing your filters is something everyone can do, and helps keep the inside of your furnace and ductwork clean. In fact, if you change your furnace filters regularly there is no need for furnace and duct cleaning at all, that filter is supposed to be catching everything before it gets to the furnace and supply duct. So if you just change your filters either, as soon as they become dirty, or sooner, you can save yourself all the money you would have spent on duct cleaning. How often should you change your filter? That is a broader topic that could be a blog post of it’s own, but essentially if it looks dirty, you are already too late changing it.

Getting a little more advanced is cleaning your air-conditioning condenser, that is the big box that sits outside. Still something that most people can manage, at least at a basic level. Mostly just involves washing the fins with a garden hose if done regularly and it isn’t in a highly dirty area. Being near a clothes dryer exhaust is an example of where it may need deeper cleaning.

More advanced maintenance can be more risky and should usually be left to a professional. Things like checking your fan motor electrical draws, cleaning the blades of the blower fan, replacing hot surface ignitors, inspecting flame profiles and adjusting gas pressure if necessary. Of course when you do need more in depth maintenance or service, give us a call and we will make sure everything that can be done to make your system healthy is taken care of.


Choosing the Perfect HVAC System for Your Alberta Home